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1 Year Later! | Yoga Club Updated Review & Unboxing + MY BABY BUMP Pics

Yoga Club Updated Review & Unboxing – Get 20% OFF your first box use code Brett20 — As many of you know as close as a year ago, I was one of the first people to try and do unboxing to the YogaClub subscription yoga clothing box.. I was so crazy excited! I didn’t know at that time that I was one of the 100 people in the world to order the box! Isn’t that nuts?! In this review video I posted: I had suggestions to make the box even better. Yoga Club actually then later implemented most of them! Since it’s been over a year, I figured it was time to check out Yoga Club’s new style quiz and updated features. Especially since, as you guys know.. I’m Pregnant! so I just need to update my sizing.. Check it out!

I Got “Styled” and Here’s What Happened | Yoga Club Clothing Box Subscription Unboxing And Review:

YogaClub is a fitness and yoga clothing box subscription. This is an updated review and unboxing of the Yoga Club subscription.



✔ SNAPCHAT: @LarkinYogaTV

Hi, I’m Brett Larkin. Welcome back to my channel and especially huge welcome if you’re new. As many of you know, close to a year ago I was one of the first people to try the yoga Club subscription yoga clothing box. I was so excited. Crazy excited. What I didn’t know at the time was that I was one of the first 100 people in the world to order the box. Isn’t that nuts? A lot of suggestions I had about how to make the box even better, Yoga club actually then later implemented. Since it’s been over a year, I figured it was time to check out Yoga Club’s new style quiz, and updated features, especially since, as you guys know, I’m pregnant. So, I also just needed to update a lot of my sizing. Let’s check it out.

When you log into your account or sign up for Yoga Club, the first thing you now do is take this quiz. My biggest complaint in my old review was that I couldn’t choose between Capri and full length yoga pants, because I don’t like wearing capris. They fixed that and added tons of other preference details. Like now, I can indicate my preference for solids over patterns. I can also let them know if I prefer bras, t-shirts, tanks, or outerwear, as well as my style preferences on these. Here I’m updating my sizing, and I like that they also ask for your blended size because as we know some brands like Onzie have blended sizing and it’s really important to get that right. And we’re done.

Now, you know when I first ordered the box it took what felt like forever to arrive. I was dying. This time around though, it arrived in exactly five days. Let’s check out what’s inside. When you order the box you’re getting all the clothes inside for 60% off retail. And of course, I asked for a special coupon code for you guys, so if you want to check out the box you can get 20% off your first box with the code brett20.

Another really cool thing Yoga Club added is now that for every box you receive, they provide a day of yoga and meditation education to an elementary school child in need. So, if you like supporting brands that have a larger social mission, which I always know I like to try to do, you can feel good that with every yoga club box you get they are spreading the tools of yoga and meditation to a child in need. This could also be a great thing to give or to ask for as a holiday gift. For me I’d say the biggest pro is that I’ve really been able to discover brands that I wouldn’t have otherwise tried. For example, thanks the Yoga Club I discovered I love Manduka sports bras, and I also love that the outfits I get are pre matched. Meaning the bras and tops and pants all are color coordinated and go together, because I’m really bad at that. Am I alone? Are you guys really bad at that too? Let me know on the comments below.

I’d love to see Yoga Club expand into sending you multiple items, from which you got to choose the ones you liked, and return the rest. Kind of like a yoga stitch fix, but for now I’ve been really happy with the boxes and the items I’ve received. Give me a sparkle emoji down in the comments down below if you liked this updated review video, and if you enjoyed seeing my little baby bump, and let me know. Are you going to try yoga club or are you already a subscriber? What insights and tips do you have? I would love if we could all share with each other in the comments down below. Make sure to share this video with the yoga obsessed friend, and I will see you on the mat for yoga in my next video. So much love from my heart to yours. Namaste.


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