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How to do Crow Pose for Beginners

How to do crow pose for beginners.

Crow pose, or bakasana (bah-kah-sah-nah), is often one of the first arm balances students learn on their yoga journey. It takes great focus, strength, balance and determination but the rewards of this pose are worth it!

You may be worried about attempting this pose but try to remember that it’s not about the destination, it’s about the journey. Nailing advanced poses will not make you a better yogi nor will it make you enlightened. The desire to do these poses with ease, however, is one that can help you get back onto your mat, even on the days when you’d rather snuggle up and eat a pint of ice cream!

Ready to go? You’ll want to work on strengthening poses such as:

cat pose
downward facing dog
modified plank
downward facing dog to rounded back plank

And stretch the body with poses like:

bound angle
yogi squat
lizard pose

There are many benefits of this pose. It helps balance the second, or sacral, chakra. Crow also strengthens the wrists, forearms, upper arms, shoulders and abdominals. The areas that are stretched in this pose are the upper back and groin. It improves focus, balance and coordination. It can also really help improve your self-esteem on your mat as it offers a huge sense of accomplishment.

Do not do this pose if you have carpal tunnel syndrome, hip or shoulder injuries or are pregnant. If it hurts or causes strain, back off until you build more strength in more basic poses such as plank, downward facing dog and chatarunga. 

Crow pose is often taught in ways that make it way harder than it has to be. Watch this video and get some tips and tricks that will make your journey to crow a much smoother one!

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