Discover Sūvata
transform your life and wellness from the inside out

About Sūvata
Sūvata combines yoga, meditation, qi gong, and plant-based nutrition into a holistic healing philosophy designed to transform your life and wellness from the inside out.
Developed by Ysmay, the Sūvata Philosophy will align you with life-affirming potentiality because you’ll have more energy, more clarity, and more balance.
Explore the Sūvata Philosophy through our teachings in articles, podcast episodes, and programs.
And you too can transform your life.



From the desk of Ysmay
I know what it’s like to be tired. I know what it’s like to be unmotivated, and to feel stuck. I also know that when you boost your energy, you can be unstoppable.
As a chronic illness warrior, I have been struggling with my health and wellness since I was 7 years old.
I have a nervous system disorder called dysautonomia that acts like a heart problem, and causes a host of other issues, including chronic fatigue, migraines, digestive issues, and brain fog.
I spent most of my life on medications (that failed) and I even suffered through a heart surgery — that also failed.

Traditional Western Medicine failed me.
And I thought that I would be stuck, unhealthy, and exhausted for the rest of my life.
But one day I decided enough is enough.
I started obsessing about alternative wellness methodologies.
I started reading, watching, and listening to everything I could get my hands on, and testing to find out what would work for me and what wouldn’t work.
Through years of trial and error, I finally hit on a combination of techniques that changed my life.
That combination is Sūvata.
I invite you to explore our teachings and bring Sūvata into your life so you too can achieve everything your heart desires.
transform your life with the Sūvata Philosophy

Meditation Starter Kit

1:1 Coaching