5 Reasons Why Men Should Meditate

Men and women both can benefit from using meditation as a tool to rejuvenate their mind, just as they need yoga poses for conditioning the body. But even though men can also benefit from yoga and meditation, often yoga training class witnesses higher percentage of...

5 Reasons Why Creating a Space for Meditation is Key

The buzz of another text from that dreadful group message you’ve been added to (is nowhere safe from your opinions, Tiffany?). The box of papers you keep meaning to sort through. The overstuffed recycling bin. Even with a bustling, buoyant social life and meaningful...

Embrace positive psychology with the Welli app

The World Health Organization expects depression to be the costliest global health issue in the world by 2020. The costs come not only in the form of expensive therapies and drugs but also in the form of lost time/productivity at work and drug addiction. Can we avert...

Six Secret Benefits of Practicing Tai Chi

Tai Chi means meditation in motion, and involves making circular motions with relaxed muscles and partially extended joints. This mental and physical practice originated from China where it was conducted as a martial art, and several studies have concluded that...